Saturday, August 22, 2009

Write on...

It's been a while since I've written, so much going on with job hunting and taking care of my kids. The summer or what we've had of a summer, has flown by and now Leah is starting high school and Adam has graduated and is looking into the Air Force. I have mixed feelings about that, but will remain positive.
I spend a few moments each day on my back porch, thinking about my mom and saying some prayers that life turns around a bit and things get better. This morning I started yet another story in my head and I realized how good I am at "starters," those first catching lines in any book...but I need to get better at the "middlers" and "finishers!"
This morning I had an idea for a story that begins..."She stood, huddled beneath the threadbare awning that did little to shelter her from the pelting rain. Lost and confused, she realized that she had neither friends to turn to nor a home to run to, safe from the lonely, cold world that had become hers. Friends had long since disappeared along with family, and with a deep sadness she realized that she was truly homeless."
I'm not totally sure if this is the beginning of a story or how I'm actually feeling today. Hmmm...