Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Spring!

What a storm last night, the thunder and lightening was amazing! The entire back yard lit up for almost an hour and the rain just poured down! I love thunder storms! But part of me is still like that kid who hid under the covers!

Happy Spring! It's finally here and warm weather is around the corner. Can't wait!

My daughter and I tried a weekend "getaway" on Saturday, just a couple of towns over...a "resort" special, we were very excited. But when we arrived, the parking lot was full of decorated vans shouting "Go Team!" Oh, great!

We found out that there were three basketball teams, numerous cheerleaders and...oh yes! Five family reunions at the resort! "Getaway?" Yes, we got away! Quickly! We'll try again another time. Next time I'll be sure to ask that little question..."what do you have going on this weekend?"

Dashing off to's to a good day, thank you for visiting "The Vintage Word." Kerry

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Staying healthy!

Is it just me, or has this been one of the longest and tougest winters? Perhaps with our economy hitting such a low and bringing with it so many different kinds of problems, things seemed just a bit tougher this year. So it's easy to get run down, right? down, it's more like mowed down by a semi!

First Leah was sick...or was it me? Pneumonia...both of us. Then Adam went into the annual bronchitis & asthma attacks...still with him. Then Leah again...then me! Around and around go the germs, it's like playing a game of Ring Around the Rosy without the fun...we just all fall down!

Today everyone is feeling pretty good...the sun was shining this morning and the temp got up to 52 degrees! We spent most of the day outside, and look forward to many more, warmer and warmer days. Hope you're all feeling fine and enjoying your day!